Friday, September 16, 2011

The summer went by so fast that I think it left me behind. Since I've been back from moving Kenna and her family out to Pennsylvania, I am still trying to get my days in order. Now Tianna is in college, Kenna's family is settled, Jake still doing well in New Zealand, and Ty is in full hunting force, with Cyd keeping busy with work, and decorating their home. Well, lets just say, I am doing some projects that I really enjoy that I have not had much time for. I am finally, after about six years, making my Hawaiian quite. I also got ambitious and made Oscar and Felix the cutes little nemo towel and wash cloth set. In addition, I got a little carried away and have hit the used book stores, okay and the other book stores too and managed to purchase, (really cheap) several books that I am now reading like crazy. One of my favorites is a book my mom gave to me which was written by a realitive in the Shurtliff fam. named Timberlain Riggs. He moved from back east to Moapa Valley, Nevada and became a convert to the church. His book title is "A Skeptic Discovers Mormonism". This book was written in 1941 and is very candid on how he views the church and the people. It has been a great testimony builder for me. I love his simple but eloquent writting. In addition, I finished President Monsons book and loved it too. I quess I love all the books I read, who wouldn't, there is so much to learn from these books. I have read so many 'self-help' and parenting books through the years that I hope I learned a thing or two in the process. I know, I'm rambling. Anyways, I am trying to keep this blog updated so wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spring & Summer Update!

Well what a slacker I have been. So after Tianna had her senior pics taken, it really hit me that I would no longer have to deal with the school system, lol! April became the high lighted month because Jake turned 20 years old while in New Zealand and Doug reached the top of the 'hill' at 50. I don't consider it 'over the hill', I think we are still climbing. So much to still learn and do. The month of May marked the big month for my baby girl to graduate from high school; bitter/sweet! She is so excited to be out of high school and excited for college; little scared but excited to start. For her graduation trip we went to Vegas and saw Blue Man Group and rode the New York roller coaster. I never have to do that one again, it really jerked you around. June became a very sad month for our family; Grandma Cannon/mother-in-law passed away on the 14th. I know that she is so happy to be with Vic and Scott. She was becoming very limited with her abilities because her heart was in afib which was slowing her down. Unfortunately we were unable to have her funeral until July 11th because of trips that were months ago planned and airline tickets purchased. The airlines were going to charge us more than we purchased the tickets for to make changes. I flew to Kirksville MO the end of June to help Kenna and Christian move to York Pennsylvania. First day was 12 hours and second day about 7-8 hours. I was so impressed with Oscar and Felix, they really were great during all that traveling. That little Felix would just stare at me and I really had to be creative to get him to laugh. However, he hardly made a peep. Oscar loved his little travel DVD player to watch his fun movies. It really helped pass the time away little in his car seat. He and I read and played games, mostly counting the big trucks that we passed. July 2nd Doug and Tianna fly in to the Baltimore airport and I had to drive by myself in this foreign state to pick them up. Thank heavens I had the right mind to buy a GPS system, it told me all the turns and distance I needed. I don't know why I have gone so long with out this wonderful gadget. We visited Washington DC on the day after the 4th of July, wrong idea. It was so hot, humid and over populated. I thought Doug was going to explode. All I can say is Doug should not have sat in the front seat. I think Kenna would agree with me. We also visited Gettysburg and the high light of the sight seeing was Hershey Chocolate World. Chocolate is my favorite. Well it came in second place because spending time with Oscar and Felix is in first place. While waiting to fly home I was introduced to Oscar's zombie, turtle, monkey and Oscar walk. I'm sure you can image his turtle and monkey walk. The zombie walk; hunched over, dragging one leg and swinging his arm. Oscar walk; walking with the cutest wiggle. Needless to say he was entertaining several passagers. Being a grandma is the greatest!
Now here we are in August, college starts the 22nd, grandma's house cleaned and ready to sell, Pine Valley garden surviving with a variety of veggies and Kenna and her family enjoying their new home in Penn. Last but not least, Elder Cannon thriving and loving New Zealand, he is serving in Gisborne; the first place on earth to see the sun first. Getting involved in Rugby; don't know how I feel about that, it's a pretty rough sport. Enjoy the pics from out crazy wild summer.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here are several of my favorite senior pictures of Tianna!!
Reflections on Motherhood!!
I have three months until the big day, Tianna's graduation. It is bitter sweet because she is the baby of the family, and it causes me to reflect; was I a good mother to all my children? I do have the confidence to know that although I was not a perfect mother while raising my children, I was a dang good mother. By the way, one definition of Perfect is; "complete, finished, fully developed". This tells me that I am still developing as a mother. I believe you never quite mothering your children even when they have married and left the home, it's just a different form of mothering. Remember kids, it's all in love. Some of the definitions of Good are; efficient, competent, reliable, kind, benevolent, charitable, and virtuous. I believe that I had these qualities and developed more as each child enter our home. Did I make lots of mistakes; you bet I did. However, in the end I feel that my children felt loved, protected, and happy, and most of all I hope I helped them know their worth as a child of God; entitled to all the blessing that come with living the commandments of God. One last hope is that my kids will learn from my mistakes. I know they will make mistakes and that's okay, however, there is wisdom in learning from the past. Tyson, Kenna, Jake and Tianna, I love you with all my heart and soul, never lose sight of that.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Goodbye winter, hello spring, I think. At least the ground hog said that we would have early spring. I sometimes can't decide which colors I like best, fall or spring.
Reading President Monson's book. LOVE It!!!!!!!!!!! It will take me so long to get through it because there are so many good lessons, quotes, and amazing stories that I have to make them so I can go back later to re-read.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I thought that I would be Jake's mailing address for those of you who want to sent him a letter, card, etc.... He loves getting things in the mail.
Elder Jake Cannon
7A Auburn Street
North Shore City 0622
New Zealand

Monday, February 28, 2011

Oscar & Felix 2-2011 So cute and kissable!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We teased Jake that before he comes home that he would wear a native New Zealand skirt. He let us know that it would not happen. Well, as you can see we were right!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I just had to post this picture because it is hard to get pictures of Doug smiling. This was from Christmas Eve of 2010.

All grown up, Tianna's preference picture.

SNOW IN FEBRUARY? Who would have guessed that with all the crazy weather around the world, that St. George Utah would get snow. Fun!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jake has been in New Zealand for 7 months now. He is enjoying every minute of it and loves the country. He tells us that it is so beautiful, and the ocean is so blue. Here are some pics he sent for us. Enjoy!!!!